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6 Tips for LGBT Families Traveling this Holiday Season

‘Tis the season! It is once again that wonderful time of year to celebrate family and friends as we come together for the holidays. It is also the time of year many of us find ourselves in airports and on long car rides as we travel to see loved ones. Before you start packing, consider these easy travel tips to make your holiday excursions even easier!

1. Use Your Social Media

Reach out on social media (especially considering your R Family community!) and ask for recommendations from people who live in areas you are traveling to or through. This is a great way to find gay friendly hotels, restaurants, and other businesses for your family to support. It can also be a way to make or reconnect with new friends!

2. Talk to Your Kids Ahead of Time

Spend time talking to your kids about differences in the communities you may visit on your travels. Maybe they are used to more open, accepting environments and some of your trips may not include these for whatever reason. Educate them on differences to avoid conflicts or potential questions upon arrival.

3. Have Your Paperwork in Order

If you have foster children or in the process of adoption, you will want to make sure you travel with the proper documentation. Speak with your attorney or other professional to make sure that you have everything you need in case you encounter a problem. Also, make sure you have the appropriate paperwork with you about your family’s health proxy and other vital info.

4. Consider Gay or Gay-Friendly Travel Agents for Bookings

Not only is it great to support gay and gay-friendly businesses, these travel agents can be super resources for finding accommodations and attractions suitable for your family. They are able to research areas you may not be familiar with and potentially also get you upgrades and discounts. R Family is now a part TZELL Travel Group and is available to assist you in booking all of your individual travel for you, your family and your friends.

5. Know the Laws

It is sad to say, but there are still over 70 countries where homosexuality is illegal around the world. Know the laws in the particular country you are visiting and make sure your children have an understanding of the differences as well. The US Government has a helpful site dedicated to LGBTI Travel Information.

6. Be Patient of Other Travelers

This is one of the busiest times of year with travel, and sometimes one of the few times a year some families do so. Remember there will be longer lines at airports and more traffic on the streets as you navigate for the holidays. Patience on everyone’s part will help maintain smiles and make the travel time go by faster.

Enjoy your holiday season with your family while traveling either to exciting new destinations or to see family and friends. Ready to book a LGBT Family vacation or maybe an adult trip with some friends? Check out the exciting new vacations R Family has coming in 2017!

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